Friday, February 22, 2013

हैदराबाद धमाके: कुछ दोहे Hyderabad blasts : Some couplets

हैदराबाद धमाके: कुछ दोहे
Hyderabad blasts : Some couplets

एक धमाके ने किया, कैसा सत्यानाश?
जहाँ दुआ को जाइए, वहाँ पडी है लाश।
Just one blast and what a ruinous fate?!
You go to pray and find a corpse in wait.

रक्त राह पर बह रहा, हाथ टंगे दीवार,
बोलो राम-रहीम क्या, यही स्वर्ग का द्वार।
Hands hang on the wall and blood flows on the street,
Tell, O Rama-Rahim! Is that how gates of heaven greet?

तुमने जिनकी जान ली, वे सब थे इन्सान,
पूछो अपने आप से, कौन बना हैवान।
All those whom you killed were human,
Ask yourself now, who turned into a demon?

भूख लगे तब मारना, यह अरण्य की रीत,
रब के बन्दे रक्त से, लिखें धर्म की जीत।
Way of jungle is to kill only when hungry,
But in blood write soldiers of faith their victory.

पाप पुजारी कर रहे, नहीं धर्म का हाथ,
जो पूजे शैतान को, मत दो उसका साथ।
It is priests who are sinners, not any religion,
Never support anyone who worships the demon.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Does demolition drive not benefit the corrupt?

(What of honest answers, we don't even ask honest questions. )

The unholy alliance of bureaucracy and politics continues to push the most burning issue facing the country on the back burner. Although the public is well aware of that issue of corruption, it finds itself unable to bring that issue to the fore or its right priority – the first. The politician and bureaucrat combine has devised methods to find scapegoats or shift every issue of corruption behind some other issue of seemingly greater priority. The situation projected by them is miles away from the reality. They conveniently forget that widespread corruption is essentially associated with every other issue and problem the country faces. We should not forget that like in diabetes all organs of the human body are suspended in a corrosive liquid called sugar, in a corrupt system all organs of administration float in a corrosive liquid called corruption. Any plan theoretically healthy will turn out to be damaging in practice in such system. Thus solution to every problem essentially lies in first removing corruption. As long as corruption is not tackled every problem becomes a fuel for corruption and it continues to gain strength. It has acquired a demonic dimension that will consume everything including even the corrupt ultimately. But, in their inebriated state the corrupt fail to take notice of this and the non-corrupt turn a blind eye revealing lack of moral courage to renounce available facilities and comforts.

The most common and visible example of this malady is demolition drive. All unauthorized or illegal construction is a partnership enterprise simply because it is effortlessly visible. Demolition punishes only one partner. The other partner, a limb of administration, is left unpunished on one pretext or the other. Has any demolition drive anywhere included punishment of the corrupt and the negligent people in the system? After marking a place with encroachment or unauthorized construction, have they inquired that since when it exists and what action the responsible person in administration took? If no action was taken and the place fell under his jurisdiction why should he not be punished if not for corruption at least for dereliction of duty? And why the punishment should not be according to the graveness of the consequences of the neglect? Why should this action against administration not be taken prior to demolishing and punishing the other partner? Mostly the answers to all these questions are mere assurances that yes action will be taken in due course, and the due course is conveniently stretchable. In such conditions why should any such sudden enthusiastic demolition drive not be considered as a planned effort to create new sources of earning for the corrupt?


Sunday, February 3, 2013

याद रखें

जो भरमाया गया है
उकसाया गया है
आपसे, इनसे या उनसे
है तो आदमी
पर नहीं है,
नहीं है जानवर
पर है।
सड़क चलते
गोलियों से भूनता
छुरे की धार को
हड्डियों पर पैनी करता
खेलता होली तेज़ाब से
रौंदता भविष्य की कोख को
निर्बाध बलात्कार से
फैलाता अव्यवस्था
शासन के गलियारों में,
शिक्षा के वातायनों में,
और रक्त
आस्था के आंगनों में।
हाँ! यह सब होता है
होगा ही!
ध्वजा पर सिंहासन लटका हो
विधि और विधान कच्ची मिट्टी
और बच्चे हों कुम्हार
दण्डधारी की आँखें हों पीठ में
एड़ी में हो प्यार
शिक्षा हो गहना
और शिक्षक सुनार
अखबार छिनाल बने
कुबेर बने यार
जनता के हिस्से में
पुकार ही पुकार।
ऐसे में
ऐसा जो होता है
है श्रीगणेश ही
सिर्फ निशान का हाथी
है बारात अभी बाकी।
अभी से घबरा गए
आदमी अभी
शक्ल से तो आदमी है
वह चीरता है छुरे से
नाखून से नहीं
दाँतों के बीच
अपनी ही जात के
मांस के रेशे अटके नहीं
होंठ भी अभी
अपनी ही जात के खून से
रंगे नहीं।
डरिये मत
अभी तो कसर बाकी है
बनने में आदमी के हैवान
तब तक देखते रहिए राह
बेहिचक चढाते रहिए
महत्वाकांक्षा को परवान।
उसके स्वागत के लिए
रक्त से, चर्बी से
धन से, ऐश्वर्य से
स्वार्थ की काया संवारते रहिए।
मुँह बचाते रहिए
उस यथार्थ से
कि आदमी हैवान बने
तो माई-बाप भूल जाता है
जिसने पाला उसे भी खाता है